Sunday, December 27, 2009
Time to update my blog! Time flies... 1 more week till sch starts! This half of the year has been very different, experienced a lot of stuff. From going to TQ, di er tang, encounter to youth camp christmas till now. Got to know a lot of new brothers and sisters, got close to a few, will cherish them and get closer to more! More involved in church activites now, experienced God in my own ways. Today's sermon was pretty good, got me thinking about what has changed since i truly met Christ and have a personal relationship with Him. Had a great christmas with my friends! Thank you (: Sometimes i do get the feeling why i'm in the chinese service when it's so hard to pull my friends in. But i guess God has His plan, and it's GOOD. Thought of changing churches awhile back, but i guess TQ yesterday really pulled me back. Though i didn't have all the fun memories and stuff there but after hearing people's sharing and playing the games, i felt really attached to church. I don't think i'll be able to take it if i don't see my brothers and sisters in AMKMC )': Set my priorites right, and i'll be off to a good start. :D
Wei En MRS strong!
AMK Force Of Christ :D
Jin Chi my brother (:
Yi Hui HAS/BSF (((:
Blossom best sis ever! (:
Jingwen Patrick!(:
Enting my sister (:
Thanks to all the blogs i referred to
(countless) for html code help :) (esp. cyn' and sixseven) Adobe Photoshop Elements for supernatural abilities
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